My friend was telling me how this actress (possibly Sarah Jessica Parker, i forget) went on a talk show and made a video of her daily routine. She went
through hours of make-up (with stylists), a few hours of hair (with stylists) and she took a picture of herself. This picture was also digitally retouched first and she looked gorgeous. then she did her own hair and make-up and took the same picture without any re-touching. she looked completely different and the host of the show asked her why she did it. She said her daughters were at the age where they thought they had to be skinny and perfect and she wanted to show them how much work and retouching goes into making the pictures they see everyday on billboards and in magazines.

If making appearance discrimination illegal will help then so be it but i don't think it will be that easy. You need to change the way people think or they will just be sneakier when they do discriminate.