Why do good kids sometimes make bad decisions with their friends? Yes it may be because of peer pressure but mostly its just free will. In the years between puberty and adulthood kids are constantly searching for who they are and many of them can be easily influenced by friends just but being around them. If your friends curse a lot you may start cursing a lot just because you hear it all the time. Plus every kid wants acceptance and if your hanging out with a cad crew you might feel you need to do some things you wouldn't normally do to earn respect.
Though for most kids its just their free will to do bad things. They choose to drink or do drugs just because they want to. Teenagers are all about experimenting, learning what they like and do like, but yes friends do also influence that as well. I have friends who like to do drugs and i love them and all but i don't like some of the things they do. According to this survey i should not be trusted because of my friends but i know better because like i said, its free will.
“The lesson is that if you have a kid whom you think of as very mature and able to exercise good judgment, based on your observations when he or she is alone or with you, that does not necessarily generalize to how he or she will behave in a group of friends without adults around. Parents should be aware of that.” How i act and speak in front of my parents is different then how i act and speak in front of my friends but that doesn't make me a bad person. My parents trust me to make good decisions even though they make not like my friends. I feel like according to Dr. Steinberg, parents should keep their kids on a leash until they go to college. Its absurd and ridiculous.