I applied to six colleges over the last few weeks but only one of them, University of Delaware, required the common application. Personally i did find the Common App quite easy to use and i especially loved that i could save my progress and come back to it whenever i wanted. It also showed you on the website when you completed a required section. But i did not go out of my way to use the Common App when i wasn't required to do so. I went on each individual website and looked up the application checklists and used the application provided. I feel like its part of the process of applying to college and it made it almost more special in a way to send each application with the school title in the top corner. Who knows maybe some schools will find i showed more interest in their school by applying specifically to their website instead of using Common App. But like i said i only applied to six schools so doing each online application wasn't that bad. i do suggest though that for those applying to many schools should use the Common App.
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