Monday, January 31, 2011

Freshmen Stress

I agree with a lot of the reasons stated for the growth in stress in college freshmen. For many of them, excluding those with full scholarships and those whose parents are loaded, college loans will hang overhead for years and i expect that for myself in a few months when i too start college. With such a bad economy tuition looks just about impossible to pay off and i feel like some colleges may lose out on great potential students because of how expensive they are.
Plus, once again thanks to our amazing economy, the fear of finding a job after graduation is also a very scary thought. The only benefit of this would be the fear causeing one to push themselves to achieve greater becuase in this job world you need every little advantage you can get.
Women having worse mental health in the survey only half surprises me. Women tend to have a great drive to achieve and are likely to try to take on too much responsibility and feel overwhelmed. Men i feel have the more layed back attitude but i think they eventually they realize they cant just cruise by and they need to buckle down thus causing more stress. Males have such a macho attitude but i know that they need to talk about how they feel just like everyone else they just need more convincing.
As a soon to be college freshmen myself i can admit that i am terrified about starting that chapter of my life for all the reasons stated. I expect to be overwhelmed, stress, piled high with bank loans, and scared of finding a job once i do graduate, if i do. But even with all of that i can't help but be excited to start my new life.

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