Monday, January 11, 2010

Why Is It A Sin To Read?

I agree that reading a good book can be a "gateway drug" to literature. Its starts a domino effect that could get even the most resistant teen to start reading a little bit more then usual. Reading a Jodi Picoult book is still on my to-do list but I've mostly only heard good things about them. I like how she tries to connect with each of her fans no matter how many she'll see in the day.

I disagree with those who believe that reading should not be a passive experience. why would your read a story that you don't enjoy? I couldn't count how many nights I've stayed up until the early hours because i just can't put a book down. Some of those such books are from the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers. It may be highly unrealistic with vampires and werewolves but everyone has got that forbidden love that they cant let go of.

Zadie Smith wrote that "readers fail when they allow themselves to believe that fiction is the thing you relate to and writers the amenable people you seek out when you want to have your own version of the world confirmed and reinforced". In my opinion although the characters may be non-fiction, the issues are still real and relatable to and they help the readers feel understood if something similar happened to them.

Over all i agree with authors like Jodi Picoult who just write stories for the trill and do whatever they can to keep the youth interested. I wish them luck in their fight against the self-appointed, so-called "literature police".

Monday, January 4, 2010

ChRiStMaS TiMe

Ever since i can remember Christmas has been one of the most exciting days of the year (besides my birthday of course), and i assumed this year would be no different. Its started out like it always does, my youngest sister wakes everyone up early so she can go down and check out the loot Santa left her. My dad goes down first to grab the video camera to document our reactions to look back on in years to come. When the OK is giving everyone rushes down into the room piled high with wrapped packages of all shapes and sizes. My youngest sister freaked when she saw the life size miniature house sitting by her stocking (its probably the closest she'll ever come to getting a real pony for Christmas). As my two sister tear through their gifts the hungry bears i take my time opening each of my gifts and appreciating each of them. This year i made out pretty well by getting an i-touch and a laptop and some other little trinkets. Since i got a lot of smaller expensive things this year my pile looked smaller then my sisters so my parents decided to wrap up a printer and put it with my gift. The look of confusion on my face after opening it was met w my dad saying "its a present for everyone!". Soon everything was opened and i was glad with everything i got but something was still off. I didn't feel the usually Christmas excitement i remember for years past. It was just another dad where i got a lot of nice stuff. Its almost as if I'm o old for Christmas though i really don't believe there is such a thing. I don't know what my problem was this year but hopefully ill have more of a Christmas spirit next year.