Monday, March 28, 2011


There is a common stereotype of blondes being stupid or slow but sometimes its not always true. But for this blonde female to not only prove how dumb and ignorant she is, and on a nationally viewed website, is just plain hilarious. Her reasons for disliking the Asian people at her school shouldn't have even bothered her in the first place.

1. They talk on the phone in the library. Yes its suppose to be a place of quiet studying but I'm curious if she would have minded so much if it was someone making a phone call in English instead of Chinese or Japanese. Her comment about maybe the phone call was about the "Tsunami thing" was so ignorant i couldn't help but just laugh at her.

2. Apparently they help each other do laundry or clean rooms or something. WHO CARES? is she jealous no one is helping her? because that has no relevance to her whatsoever.

3. There everywhere. News flash, UCLA is a very good school and (though its stereotypical) Asian are typically very smart. Plus Asia and California are close to each other so its no surprise a lot of Asian students attend there.

I hope this was just a joke that this girl took a little to far but if not then this girl needs a serious reality check. to be that ignorant she must have had quite a sheltered childhood. i no if i had gotten into a school like UCLA I'd spend my time studying rather then making racist videos.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sexting 2.0

Sexting is Teenagers who text or e-mail nude or suggestive photos to one another or post them online and is, as far as im concerned, incredibly dumb. People date, they think theyre in love, they send photos to eachother, then when they break up each side has blackmail on the other. Typically bad breakups result in a picture or two being spread around the school but there are always those few guys that are just show it around for fun. I personally agree with this new law because kids make dumb decisions and i think it to harsh to get labeled as a sex offender for life because you sent your best friend a picture of your girlfriend when your were 15. Now if they continue sexting after they have completed this diversionary program then the consequences should worsen. its only far since they clearly know what theyre doing is wrong. I'd say 90% of the time girls are the "victims" (everyone sees their picture) but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen to guys as well. You can never be too sure who you can trust so the best solution is to just not send any pictures of yourself to anyone.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Deadly Distractions

This article is both sad and stupid in my opinion. i absolutely love texting (God only knows why) but one of my biggest pet-peeves is still when people text and drive. i have actually resorted to yelling random noises and smacking my friend on the arm of just taking the phone out of their hands and offering to send the text for them. I do admit i do text at work sometimes, although i only work at cvs, i don't do it in front of customers. (Plus cvs is in a bad service area so it kills my battery fast anyway). Another thing that bugs me is when i have to ring up a customers and they can't take a few seconds to get off there phone to pay for their things. its just plain rude.
The guy driving a boat and texting, well that's just bad luck. if i was on a boat in the middle of water i probably would have done the same thing especially if it concerned the near death of someone close to me. Driving a boat is different then driving a car where you don't have to be completely focused 100% of the time.
As for the woman she was just and idiot. I can't get over the fact that she left and autistic kid in a locked van for hours let alone the fact that she was texting the whole time. Her boyfriend couldn't wait til she got home to make plans? the common sense people have these days really makes me sad. if i babysit yes i will send out some texts but it takes me two seconds then I'm back to focusing my attention on the kids. texting shouldn't take up a whole day of your attention that's ridiculous.