I've never heard of this website until today but i must say i am not surprised. Kids and teenagers never cease to amazing me with how utterly cruel they can be to one another, even to friends. Boys are bad but there is no comparison to how heartless and girl can be when it comes to insults. People post nasty comments to each other already on facebook, myspace, etc. Ive seen my fair share of post battles but i think it becomes a whole new ball park when you can post things anonymously. You could tear someone apart and they'd never know who it was and they could be walking around school surrounded by people but never knowing who's cyber-bulling them. we live in a pretty messed out world where some people can just hate you for wearing different clothes or having different friends or even where you live. i still think that those who attack others with insults are the ones who are the most insecure about themselves or their not mature enough to talk like an adult. I was watching Law and Order: SVU one day and this pregnant girl got cyber-bullied to the point where she took her own life. If that's not messed up enough the person who bullied her was a full grown adult who was made because the girl had influenced her daughter to get pregnant as well. An adult should clearly know better but suicides from cyber-bullying are so common this days its just heartbreaking. Websites like formspring shouldn't be allowed or at least monitored to prevent cyber-bulling or suicides. What kind of person would enjoy that?

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