So i finally saw Iron Man this weekend and it was so awesome. Normally i wouldn't be home on a Friday night but since i have an "unsatisfactory" chemistry grade according to my parents i was stuck there but i must say that watching Iron Man made my night better. To me it had all the things that made a great movie, a good story plot, good actors, some action, and of course some good humor. Robert Downy Jr. portrayed Iron man perfectly and one of the things that made me love the movie so much was his sense of humor.
Another good movie i saw recently was Avatar. I've heard many mixed reviews about it and i wasn't sure what to think but when i finally saw it last weekend over my grandmothers i was amazed. The concept of the movie was a little hard to pick up on at first but once i figured it out i didn't want to stop watching 'til it was over. The animators who designed all of the avatars and scenery did a fantastic job. the tress and the animals were so beautiful and majestic that i wish i could have visited that world in real life. i also thought the movie made a good example of our government. they wanted to destroy everything the
avatars stood for just to get more powerful energy. it showed how careless and too military gung ho America can be but with the main characters who lived with the avatars showed how there is still good people in the world.

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